
No code automation platform empowering sales performance and agility. Equip sales professionals to enterprise goals.

Draft Contracts and Close Deals Faster with Legito.

We know Sales teams need to sell. The faster a deal is closed, the sooner it is possible to win a new opportunity and close another deal. The right document and workflow automation tool will speed up your sales process. The legal team is no longer a roadblock, but a willing ally, providing you with easy to draft contracts that do not require additional legal approval. Necessary financial approvals will quickly be routed to the right managers instead of getting lost in email. Use eSignature for fast, secure contract execution. Integrate with your CRM system to manage your entire sales process from one place. Win. Close. Sign. Repeat.

Featured Success Stories


Discover How BAM Wonen Maximized their Efficiency

Using Legito, we reduced our checking tasks from 20-50 minutes down to 5 minutes per single contract.

Nel Pelle
Sales Manager

Explore Tech Company’s Sales Automation

Starting off with Legito, we first uploaded our entire company archive and in only a few days we had about 3,000 documents digitally stored and organised. At that point, we could very easily answer any question about any document

Maria Papazova
Chief Financial Officer


Featured Resources

Start Your Digital Transformation with Sales

If there’s any team in your organization that will appreciate a quick deployment of a simple solution that adds fast results, it’s sales.

Set Rules for Your Playbook

A sales ‘playbook’ sets the rules for sales execs. Sales teams need flexibility to negotiate deals, but the playbook avoids wild departures and offers guidance to achieve the best results.


See Why Over 400k+ Individuals and Companies Use Legito

Document Lifecycle Management
Document Automation
Building Custom Applications
Legito Sign
Document Lifecycle Management

Controlled Document Flow

End-to-end document lifecycle management with automated routing, approvals, dashboards, collaboration and reusable data.

Rich workflow tools to power efficiency or growth. No-code rapid deployment for fast ROI. Regular new features.

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Document Automation

Intuitive Document Creation

No code, no limits. Easily automate even advanced documents. Unique interactive documents that leverage inserted data.

Create tailored documents with your data and your rules, without coding. Immediate ROI and a path to wider automation.

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Building Custom Applications

Build Your Enterprise Apps

No code platform for back office innovators and citizen developers to create custom solutions in a fraction of the time.

Use Legito enterprise-wide, but teams get customized solutions. Organize data, views and tools for specific operations.

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Legito Sign

Free Electronic Signature

Trusted, legally binding, fast, and enterprise-level secure electronic signature. No fee.

Make it easy to do business when people work remotely. Easier to sign, easier to manage, easier to authenticate.

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Do More In Less Time
Deliver Results Faster
Eliminate Human Error
Make Data-Driven Decisions

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