Legito Legal Disruptors 2020: Luigi Cominelli from UniqLegal & University of Milan, Legito Use Case
After the first break, guests, both online and in the audience, hurried back to hear Luigi Cominelli of UniQLegal talk about the importance of Knowledge Management, the unique structure of this brand new joint venture, and how its timely creation made it perfectly suited to disrupt among this already disruptive times.
Luigi walks us through his vast experience as an attorney and knowledge management expert, having developed his previous law firm’s (NCTM) knowledge base. Key features for any successful legal knowledge base are a document repository indexed for easy searching, research support, drafting automation, and project management. NTCM integrated all of these features in-house with its proprietary project management tool, ELibra. Early on, it was clear to NCTM the savings in time and money that came with document automation.
When NTCM joined with La Scala and UniCredit to form UniQLegal, a joint venture focused almost exclusively on banking law and related litigations, Elibra was determined no longer fit for purpose.
Even with the success of Elibra, and other automation solutions, Luigi warns us about the threats to efficiency through document automation, including general IT illiteracy throughout the legal field. After some searching, however, UniQLegal decided that Legito was best suited for this daring enterprise.
Legito is proving to be just the right tool for UniqLegal, providing decreased drafting times and the ability to automate portions of banking advice, which is helping UniqLegal set new standards in customer satisfaction.
See the presentation below ↓
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