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Search & Filters

Last review: April 2024

A search functionality not only lets you search throughout Legito’s comprehensive database (properties/metadata) to find the content you need but also searches text within documents.

The “Document” item in the Document Record search filter determines whether the search will include document contents.

Legito’s search will help you locate the correct documents even if there are spelling errors or slight spelling variations between the searched words and the actual content.

In addition to filtering areas that should be searched, it is also possible to choose the search logic that is applied.

Users can choose any of the following options in the Search drop-down menu:

  • Terms in any order: The standard query for performing a full-text search. This query finds the documents that contain a text string inserted into the search box. For example, if you insert the text “lic”, Legito will find documents that contain words such as policy, non-solicitation, license, solicitor, illicit, and duplicate.
  • Phrase in exact order: This query finds the documents that match exactly a given phrase. The idea behind this option is to search for the phrase (group of words) inserted in the search box in the same order. For example, if you are looking for the phrase “Non-disclosure Agreement”, documents are searched with those words in that order.
  • Phrase in any order: This query finds the documents that contain any word from the phrase inserted into the search box. For example, if you are looking for the phrase “Cease and Desist Letter”, Legito will find documents that contain phrases such as “desist and cease” as well as individual words “Cease”, “and”, “Desist” or “Letter”.
  • Phrase prefix: This query finds all documents that contain any word or phrase that starts with text inserted into the search box. For example, if you insert the text “con”, Legito will find documents that contain words such as Contract, Confidentiality, Contractor, and all other words starting with “con”.


In addition to selected search logic, fuzziness allows the acceptance of documents with typographical (spelling) errors in the searched text. In other words, you will retrieve results even when the search term contains slight variations. For example, if you are looking for the phrase “Non-disclosure Agreement”, Legito will also find documents that contain “No-disclosure Agreement” or “Non-disclosure Agreement”.

Filter Types

It is possible to choose a predefined period in addition to the custom date interval. It applies to all Date properties in Document and Object management.

It is possible to use the filters:
  • Document Records with active approval process
  • Document Records with active signing process
  • Approvers (Users appointed as Approvers to a certain Document Record)
  • Template Suite &Document Record TypeThere are options within the Document Management section where you can filter by the Template Suite your Legito Document was created from, and the Document Record Types.

Favorite Filters

Favorite (saved) Filters are available for the Document Management area as well as for each Object Management area.